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Eco Friendly Home Renovation Tips

You may not realise it but renovating your home to be more eco friendly is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint and make your property more energy efficient – saving you money in the long run on your energy bills. In contrast with what people may think, there are so many ways that you can make your home renovation journey so much more environmentally friendly.

From recycled materials, insulation, alternative paint types and refurbished goods, there is an alternate option for almost everything that goes into a home renovation. If you’re looking for eco friendly home renovation tips that’ll have your home looking exactly how you want it, keep reading!

Looking for a trusted home renovation planner? Give the team at Renovare Mt Gravatt a call today on 0477 881 387 or reach out through our online form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Eco Friendly Home Renovation Tips

Recycled or Eco-Friendly Materials

Do this wherever possible – this is one of the simplest ways to make your renovation more eco conscious. Recycled materials are often just as good as new but cost a fraction of the price and give a product or material a second life. You can find recycled timber, bricks, tiles, and even carpets at some demolition yards, or through renovation builders.

Insulate Your Property

A well-insulated home is going to save you some good money on your energy bills. Not only that, but your home will stay warm in the cooler seasons and thus, cooler in the warmer seasons – meaning your home is going to be using less energy than usual.

Use Low-VOC Paint

If you weren’t fully aware, typical paints that are purchased from hardware stores can contain harmful chemicals known as VOCs (volatile organic compounds). These can be released into the air and can cause respiratory problems, along with cause problems for nature around you. During your eco friendly home renovations, look for low-VOC or VOC-free paint to minimise not only your exposure to these harmful chemicals but mother nature as well.

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Nowadays, there is a range of energy efficient appliances available on the market, especially as the world moves quickly towards more of an environmentally friendly focus. These appliances have been built to use less power than traditional appliances, meaning they’ll save you money and help to reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.

Consider Solar Power

Investing in solar power for your eco friendly home renovations is a great way to reduce your reliance on the grid and save money on your bills (yep – yet another solution that’ll save you money). As time goes on, there is said to be an abundance of strain on power grids, and with homes turning to solar and energy efficiency, it helps reduce the pressure.

Low Flow Toilets

In today’s world, water shortages are a serious issue. For eco friendly home remodeling solutions that save on water, you can do your part by investing in a low-flow toilet. These toilets have been specially designed and manufactured to flush with ease, minimising the intake of water while prioritising being user-friendly.

If you’re ready to start your eco friendly home remodeling journey, the team at Renovare Mt Gravatt are here to make the process easy, stress free, and exciting. Working alongside our clients from the start of the renovation process, through planning and building, all the way until the end is something we take pride on. We do our part to bring your visions to life.

Contact Renovare Mt Gravatt Today!

Looking for more eco friendly home renovation tips? Get in touch with Renovare Mt Gravatt today and speak with our renovation builders Brisbane southside homeowners trust. For more information or if you have any general questions, get in touch through our online form or give us a call on 0477 881 387.

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